© Mike Massaro 2021 for Night Club


We all know our rubbish gets collected every week. We put it in the bin, a truck comes and takes it away and we never see it again. But have you ever wondered what happens to it afterwards? What’s it like to be responsible for collecting all of the waste from 2000 people’s homes every week?

Richard, one of our Sleep Champions, is a refuse collector for Veolia. Raised in South London, he’s been with Veolia for nearly twenty years. Richard remembers starting his first day of work after being made redundant from his previous job as a road sweeper. “When I lost my job, I decided to go for a long walk. I thought, wherever I end up- that’s where I’ll work. I walked for miles and eventually arrived at the reception at Veolia. I said, ‘look, I’m a hard worker and if you employ me I’ll prove it.’ They said, ‘come in tomorrow and we’ll see how it goes.’ The rest is history!”

What does a day in the life of a refuse collector look like?

“I wake up at 4.30am, tiptoe through the house so as not to wake my family, and then I’m out of the door by 5am. I get to the depot and put my uniform on, ready to start work at 6am. Once everyone in my team has arrived we’re assigned to a truck. The driver carries out their checks on the vehicle and then we head out. Most days we finish around 2pm, but we can be out til 5pm if one of the other crews gets stuck. You can’t just leave at a set time like many jobs- you have to stay until the work is done. My colleagues are like family- we all look out for each other. When I first started, I was 21 and I couldn’t believe that the 60 year olds I was working with were fitter than me! This job keeps you physically fit and mentally tests you, too. We walk miles and miles, and pulling the bins is very strenuous. Once we get a rhythm going, we can work quickly and efficiently and really enjoy the day.”

After Night Club, I changed the way I look at my diet and health

After visiting Night Club, Richard says the information he received from our sleep scientists has helped to improve his energy levels. “After Night Club, I changed the way I look at my diet and health. I always knew how important it is to eat well, so now I only drink water and have almost completely cut out sugar. Most days I cook my own meals and bring them to work. Any of my colleagues who don’t eat properly get tired after the first collection in the morning. They’re rushing around and then they have a sugar crash and that can also impact their sleep. It’s so important to look after yourself.”

With thanks to Richard.